

The exhibition is included in the museum's ticket

Patrizia Bonati is a contemporary artist goldsmith whose works go beyond the traditional jewels’ conventions embracing a radical aesthetics focused on the concept of imperfection.

The geometrical and material corrosions and deformations wisely produced by the artist perfectly match the museum’s architectonic lines and artefacts. The museum’s artefacts show their irregularities as the result of the transformations provoked by the time and by the historical events. However these objects are today restored and exhibited in the Museum.
In this exhibition, the artist’s precise intervention is connected to the history and nature’s strong and unstoppable action.

The opening ceremony is taking place on Saturday the 14th of September at 6 p.m.
Presentation by Mirella Cisotto Nalon, flute Alessio Acca.


Via Ugolani Dati 4 - 26100 Cremona (Italy)

Tel. 3666673881