Ugolani Dati 4, 26100 Cremona
WINTER HOURS: Tuesday - Sunday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Full price: 10,00 €
Reduced: 8.00 €
Museum admission is free on the first Sunday of each month
Cumulative (Violin Museum + Civic Museum + Archaeological Museum)
reduced (schools only): 10,00 €
full price: 14,00 €
Cumulative (Civic Museum + Archaeological Museum) full price: € 12.00
reduced (schools only): € 5.00, members of Gite in Lombardia: € 6.00
Sixty music instruments, violins, violas, viole d'amore, pochettes, hurdy-gurdies, guitars, english-guitars, mandolins and liutes, made by the main European handicraft men from the 17th to the 19th Century.
This collection contains some instruments which belonged to some famous collectors, musicians and noblemen.
Beyond some interesting examples of violins, violas, viole d'amore, pochettes and hurdy-gurdies, there are more or less fifty plucked string instruments like guitars, English-guitars, mandolins and lutes, made by the main European handicraft men active in the centuries 17th, 18th and 19th.
Among these we include some representatives of important families of violin-makers like Voboam, Fabricatore, Guadagnini, Pons, Panormo, Stauffer, and excellent makers like Fedele Barnia, Gérard Deleplanque, Jean-Nicolas Lambert, René Lacôte , Nicolas Grobert and Antonio de Torres.
And then, the guitar made by the French violin-maker Aubry-Maire, which belonged to the Spanish singer Lorenzo Pagans, who is portrayed while he is playing it in a painting by Edgar Degas.narla in un dipinto di Edgar Degas
Ugolani Dati 4 - 26100 Cremona (Italia)
Tel. 0372 407770
0039 333 334 1310